Saturday, July 08, 2006

I hate my skills

I am enjoying my experience here, but I have realized one important thing...I hate the skills I have. Through much of my career I have been managing people in service industries. I have gained a certain number of skills that are very much in need here. It gives me some pleasure to help the home perform its duties better and to help develop people. That said, I realized the other day how much more I enjoyed teaching. I realized most of my career has been spent doing things I do not like doing. I am volunteering here and for a good cause, so I think it has meaning and I am enjoying the experience because of that. The day to day work....not too sure about that right now.


Anonymous said...

Funny, but I think teaching and management skills go hand in hand.
Teaching is just what you said: helping to develop people.
Go with what you love, it will make you a happier person at the end of the day.

steve said...

You are very right about the similarity of teaching and management skills...maybe it is just the lack of spotlight on me... you know how I like that. Either way, I feel good about what I am doing even if I do not love what happens everyday like I did when I was teaching.