Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I had to fire someone

In addition to the home, we have a weaving and sewing center. The most experienced sewer was yelling at everyone and employees were quiting because of her. We had installed a new manager and the women would scold her too!

The new manager needed help, so we had a meeting. In the meeting she threatened me too (if you give me any trouble, I will cut up all of my work). She also spoke rudely to her new manager. I suspended her and gave her a chance to think about what she was saying. Two days later, she still was unrepentent. Apparently she thought it was impossible for us to run the sewing center with out her. I fired her in that meeting. It was strange to fire someone through an interpreter because I would say one sentence and the interpreter would take several miutes to translate. I think they were trying to make everything sound nice.


Anonymous said...

Steve we lost track of you and
Sandy. It sounds like your in an incredibly tough place. What can we send, is money the best thing and were do we send it to make sure it gets to you?
Joe and Brenda

Anonymous said...

In the end you did the right thing though, which is good.