Thursday, August 31, 2006

I know the strangest thing

The man who has supervised our workers has not been at work for most of the last month, so I have had to taken on some of his duties. I now am becoming an expert on bamboo bridge making (use the straight ones on the walking surface so feet do not fall through) dirt road repairs (it is all about keeping the water off the road) and grass roof purchasing (stay away from bugs and brown stuff). I am pretty sure I will not need this for my future,


Anonymous said...

hey Steve I need to give a $160 donation to the home. Is there an easy internet way to do this?

steve said...

We are testing a new system for credit card donations and we would appreciate it if you could give us feedback on it.
Go to our web site ( and click on how to help screen. Then donate. There will be an option to support project. Click on this and there will be a screen for thai e-pay. Enter your information and we should get the money.

If you do not have (or do not want to use a credit card) you can do a wire transfer to our account in Thailand. This is ok, but we are sometimes charged some high fees for this.
