Monday, November 27, 2006

Strange meeting

I had a meeting for one of the projects I am working on at a temple. The men who I was meeting with were trying to get me to pay for about $1500 extra stuff for the project about 1/2 of which would go into their pockets (this I declined). At the end of the meeting, one man looks to me with a big smile and says, "So, you want to go get a massage by some young girls?" Which part of asking this question is the strangest...

we are at a temple

we are trying to help children (not screw them)

my friend is waiting for me (I can just imagine my conversation with her...Pone Pone can you wait a half hour while I go have sex with a teenager?)

FYI ...I declined the offer


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it is the western world that has fostered this behaviour. How sad. When I was younger and knew less about the world i had a summer job in the service industry. Some of the guys i worked with worked here all summer and lived all winter in Thailand. Although they never told me about having sex with children, i know that one guy had at least two wives in different parts of Thailand. Then when I travelled to Thailand, I saw more evidence of western men taking advantage of the "hospitality" and dreams of the young girls there. It is not strange to me that you were made the offer.

steve said...

Not sure who is to blame...seems like a lot of young girls are caught up in this trade and there are very few western men in this area. Either way, it is very sad especially considering the earlier post about the girl who I met who last year that likely will be doing this soon enough.

Claytonian said...

everyone is a victim, and the evil people do to others is ultimately only evil done to themselves. lets move on and try to make it better.

Anonymous said...

to Clayton...what???

Claytonian said...

I can't state it any clearer. But maybe you would like to read a few books on philosophy and ethics. I suggest The Four Noble Truths.

Anonymous said...

What is your basis for saying that everyone is a victim?
How do you try to make it better if you have moved on?

Unknown said...

Hi Steve, I tried to send a donation for the bathroom project but it seems I need a US billing address or it won't let me through to the next bit? Is there another way?